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I spend a lot of time Evaluating horses; pre purchase, pre training, level trained, and with problems. The evaluation begins using a generic Foundation of Ground training plan that micmics mounted exercises and owners must attend.  The evaluation consists of exercises that identify: 

  • if the horse has been calmed

  • if it understands and responses to mounted cues

  • how comfortable is the horse accepting rhythmic and steady pressure

  • is it reactive or responsive recognizing human intentions

  • what is its emotional fitness

  • does it respect personal space

  • speed control walk, trot & canter

  • understand yielding

  • trailer loading

  • catching

  • proper round penning

  • proper halter training

  • does it have a good mindset

  • is the horse trainable


  Also helping people solve horse problems. Some of the most common problems are; buddy sour, speeding up, slowing down, bucking, bolting, head tossing, and spooky, hard to catch, distrustful, trailer loading and the list goes on.  In an attempt to “fix” these problems, some trainers and/or riders apply band-aid solutions like tighter nosebands, stronger bits, tie downs, and other equipment!  Horses with a solid training foundation, on the ground as well as in the saddle, and brought along at an appropriate pace are confident, relaxed, supple, balanced, and willing, and have learned how to learn.  The majority of these problems are caused by holes in the Foundations of Gound and Mounted training.


Training holes can show up when:

  • a new purchased

  • a horse is moved to a new location

  • a horse trained in one discipline is changed to a different type of riding

  • a young horse’s training is rushed to get him ready for sale or competition

  • a horse's past or present methods are failing


What are the root causes of the problems

There are definitive and effective things you can do to help a horse overcome these issues. We identify the causes by evaluating a horse's training and fixing problems, you can consider a number of factors, including:


  • Physical health: Horses can develop undesirable behaviors due to pain or injuries, so it's important to rule out physical problems first. You can take your horse to an equine clinic for a medical exam and lameness evaluation. 

  • Mental, emotional state: Horses can experience mental stress from fear, anxiety, or confusion. You can look for signs of tension or anxiety in the horse's body. 

  • Equipment: Poorly fitting or adjusted equipment can cause problems. 

  • Training history: Poor early training or inconsistent handlers can contribute to problems. 

  • Environmental factors: The horse may not understand environmental factors that are contributing to problems.


Holes in horse training can

Lead to a variety of problems, including explosive behavior, spooking, and lack of confidence: 


  • Explosive behavior: Training that looks good in front of an audience but leaves holes in a horse's training can lead to explosive behavior. 

  • Spooking or fearful behavior: This can be a common training problem. 

  • Lack of confidence: This can be a common training problem. 

  • Conflicting signals from the rider: This can be a common training problem. 

  • Inconsistent reinforcement of cues: This can be a common training problem. 

  • Punishing the horse when the rider makes mistakes: This can be a common training problem. 


If your horse has holes in his training, you need to go back to basics to fill in those gaps and build his solid foundation.


Identify and Fix Holes in the training

Proven experience tells me an evaluation with written diagnostic reports is the best way to get you training off on the right foot or on track immediately   These are practical reasons for doing the evaluation; however, there are other reasons such as:

  • To help owners decide the direction of a present or future training method or process.

  • Review past or present training program; does the program consist proper training plans with step-by-step progressive ground and/or mounted exercises with descriptions, purpose, objectives and goals?   Even though the goals or objectives or exercises may change, the implementation needs to be flexible to accommodate the horse person as well as the horse.   

  • Identify whether the present training is; effective and does it match the goals of the owner or if the goals have changed.

  • The evaluation will may suggest modifying, cutting or keeping a training program entirely. However, the evaluation itself will not suggest changing or disregarding training methods that have a positive improvement in the horse’s performance and the owner’s safety.   For example; if one or more parts of a training program are nonexistent or are ineffective, this is the portion that will need to be changed or discarded.


What is your goal?
Identify small goals that will lead to your ultimate goal, understand what your horse will need to do to accomplish these goals and prioritize your cues accordingly. It’s always nice to want to go somewhere, do something, or get better at it. But besides vague dreaming you need a target. Then you need a plan because “A goal without a plan is just a Dream”!  Before creating your training plan, the best way to get your training off on the right foot and immediately saving you from wasting valuable time, money and energy on unnecessary training is; for you to conduct a needs analysis by doing an evaluation to identify and assess: 


  • Who your horse is?   

  • What your horse knows? 

  • What your horse offers willingly?

  • What your horse needs?


Now that you have completed and identified the; temperament, trainability, emotional, mental and physical traits of your equine you can customize training plans. Horse Training plans center around two fundamental forms of horse training: sensitizing and desensitizing exercises:

  • To sensitize your horse, you teach him to move away from pressure. For example, he learns to step forward, "away" from the halter's pressure on his poll, or to step away from the "pressure" of your upheld hands. (Anything that moves or creates motion has energy coming off it; I consider that energy to be "pressure.")

  • To desensitize your horse, you teach him to relax and accept pressure. For example, he learns to stand calmly when you swing a rope near him, and not to spook at fly spray, clippers or other "scary" things. When sensitizing, you apply pressure and release it the instant your horse responds, and then try again.  When desensitizing, you apply pressure and keep it "on" until your horse stops moving his feet and relaxes--lowers his head, licks his lips, cocks a hind leg, takes a big breath, or blinks his eyes. Then you remove the pressure for a moment as a reward, before resuming. This approach-and-retreat strategy helps build his confidence quickly.


Green and Ever Green Horses:

Green horses have very little training or have some training but have some behaviour issues.  Some of these horses could be 15 or 20 years old and still have Green tendencies; I call them “Ever Greens” and will remain ever green unless they are re educated.  Unfortunately, these horses have never been properly trained and are inconsistent; therefore, their Natural Character has not been preserved   so they are confused and often very frustrated.  Some horses may appear to be Nervous Nellies or Compliant as they are anxious, nonresponsive or flighty.  Although they may have the character traits of a particular personality it may be difficult to decipher the difference between character traits and traits caused by a horse not properly trained or handled.  During the evaluation; with these horses we assess the “Greenness” of the horse we ask how well they do Ground Control exercises. 


Once we know where the gaps are in the training and the personality traits of the horse we can then start using the appropriate training strategies to start focusing on the horse’s education and confidence.



The Train-the-Owner Program is designed to teach the Natural Horsemanship methods on the ground and in the saddle in greater depth to people seeking more knowledge and understanding of equine. This program is an excellent educational opportunity for those of you who are looking to improve your personal communication and leadership skills.


“This program is an excellent educational opportunity for those of you who are looking to improve your personal horse training knowledge and skills. Not only can you gain more confidence but you will learn how to prevent or correct behavior issues should they arise.“


The methodology of the Program is in a league of its own. The uniqueness of the program is the ability for each individual to develop their own personal strengths to form their own training techniques.  The format of the program is consistently evolving to give each student the most updated and progressive training techniques available. Each lesson is taught in the safest method possible to ensure the safety of horse, trainer, and rider.



During this a hands on training program the lessons and objectives are clear and the steps are easy to follow logical for the horse.  My goal is to eliminate the guesswork from a trained horse.  I use the term trained to mean one that is safe, has respect, trust, a solid skill set and a lofty goal that you should always work toward.  This foundation program is ideal for any horse.  In a natural sequence you can take either a range colt, backyard pet or performance prospect through these steps and give them the start they deserves.  This program isn’t about being fast or slow, hard or soft, it’s about the owners and their horses and what’s best for them!


Each lesson presented explains what the goal is, why it is important and how to teach it.  I hear the case that “every horse is different” and that no plan can suit all of them.  This idea is only half accurate.  It is true that identifying a horse's Learning & Behavior Patterns will help determine the it’s best learning style and help us advance training enormously.  It is also true that far too many people do not take advantage of this social learning theory.  This is not a cookie cutter program by any means; in fact by understanding horses, learning how to communicate with them, having objectives and training plans with progressive steps we are able to complete each in a variety of ways best suited for us and our horses.  I will give clear instructions so you can concentrate on your horse and its progress. 


You will have much reason to celebrate at the conclusion of the program as you can then continue all of the skills taught and reach an even higher level of horsemanship and performance.  You will transform as a horseman; your ability to recognize and improve undesirable behaviors.  You will understand the root cause of the issue and know how to work on it to fix it.  You don’t have to “forget everything you know”, but through the program you will be amazed at how efficient and effective these lessons are and of course I provide you with ongoing support.

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