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The following are merely guidelines because all horses are different because of; their natural survival instincts all equine is born with!  The desirable/undesirable traits of horse are impacted by; age, personalities, temperaments, breeding, handling, past history and prior to training!  All affect the outcome of each training session and the outcome of the total time period allotted for training. As the owner of your horse, it is your responsibility to communicate with the trainer if you have specific training goals and expectations for your horse. Your trainer should also let you know by the end of the first 30 days if your horse is going to be safe, sound and a good fit for your riding needs.  An evaluation; an implementation strategy and horse specific training plan are priorities.  Some horses we will only need ground training for the first 2 weeks some a lot longer. They all take time to train, even at the end of 30, 60, or 90 days or even 6 months; some horses may not be doing everything or be doing it that fast or doing what is quoted. At any time during your horses training, you have questions or issues, please just talk to us. We are here to help you and your horse. Please understand that us as trainers can get your horse to do a lot more than the owner can until you learn how we trained them. We will help you and your horse as much as we can in communication. Also, if we believe a horse is not ready to ride, we WILL NOT step on them. These Guidelines may apply to good horses with behavior issues including some horses are just misunderstood and not given a chance. 


Many people are in a hurry to ride the "Green" horse.  Some riders think that they can gain more control from the horse when mounted.  Most times this is a fallacy.  If the horse does not have it in his mind that we are in control when you are on the ground, he will not necessarily think that you are in control when you are on his back.  Although you can train your horse something new from his back, it should be from a progression of exercises or skills that he is familiar with and understands because he as a solid Foundation of Ground Training.  We put ourselves and/or our horse in a dangerous or compromising situation or end up in a wreck because we did not take the time to train the horse from the ground first.  To avoid this as much as possible, I will do a great deal of bridle work from the ground first, along with essential ground lessons to get the horse prepared for riding.  Although it is the desire of most, if not all, a common area of concern is that not enough time is spent on the necessary exercises or skills in order for the horse to really learn and understand what we are asking it to do.  Establishing a solid foundation should become a priority. Why?  For our and our horses SAFETY!


What is a Beginner/Novice. Intermediate and Advanced Rider?

It is IMPORTANT to have an understanding of what the general equestrian population considers to be a beginner, intermediate, or advanced rider. Ultimately, there isn’t a checklist to go through to figure out where you land. It is often based on your own feeling of where your ability is at currently, and where your trainer thinks you are. This is also considered in relation to your training or riding goals. If one person’s goal is to be competent with the basics and ride for fun, then being an advanced rider will look very different compared to someone whose goal is to be an Olympic-level show jumper. 

It is also possible to be an advanced rider in one discipline, but a beginner in another. For example, if you have been riding dressage for years, and then decide you want to try barrel racing, you will need to start by learning the basics of the new discipline. It is a sliding scale based on each individual person and what they are working to accomplish.

Why These Levels Are Used to Distinguish Riding Experience

These skill levels help others to understand what a person’s riding ability is. It is particularly helpful in situations when you are riding in an unfamiliar place. By telling the person in charge that you are a beginner or intermediate rider, they will be able to match you with a horse that is appropriate for your skill level. It can be very dangerous for a rider to be paired with a horse too far above their skill level, especially if the rider is a beginner. 


Beginner/Npvice Riders

A beginner rider is someone who is still learning the basics of riding and horse care. Another word for a beginner is a “novice.” Beginners need more supervision especially while riding and handling horses until they learn how to keep themselves safe in various situations.

  • Beginner riders should always have someone with them while they are riding to help prevent any accidents, answer questions, and help them learn.

  • Beginner riders are mostly comfortable at a walk and trot.

  • Beginner riders who can ride a horse at a canter are considered advanced beginner horseback riders.

  • Riders are still beginners if they struggle to stay balanced during gait transitions or struggle to sit up straight in the saddle.

  • They are also more likely to reach for the saddle and panic if something goes wrong instead of correcting the horse. This is a natural instinct until the rider becomes more comfortable on horseback and learns how to handle different situations.  


Intermediate Riders

An intermediate rider is someone who has a significant amount of experience, both in the saddle and on the ground. These riders still have quite a lot to learn, but they have moved on from the basics.

  • Intermediate riders are typically focused on specific disciplines. For example, jumping horses, competing in speed events, or entering horse shows.

  • They do not need to be supervised all of the time but still benefit from taking lessons often and regularly.

  • They are comfortable riding horses of varying degrees of difficulty.

  • Intermediate riders are comfortable at all gaits, and can control a horse at a gallop.

  • They are still challenged by some horses but, because of their growing skill, they tend to enjoy the challenge rather than feel overwhelmed by being put on a hot horse.

  • Intermediate riders are also comfortable riding at all gaits and in different environments. 

  • Intermediate riders still have a lot to learn, but they are well on their way to being competent riders in the saddle, solid competition in horse shoes, and potentially budding equine professionals.


Advanced Riders

Riders who are considered to be advanced are typically very confident riders.

  • They are able to ride a variety of horses well with very little instruction.

  • They can use their knowledge and experience to teach other riders. Some even turn that ability into their own professional horse business.

  • They are also able to train horses themselves.

  • Advanced riders will usually compete at a higher level, possibly as professional riders. 

  • Advanced riders should still be open to learning from others. No one is ever completely finished with their equine education. There is always more to learn.

  • Instead of typical horseback riding lessons, advanced riders and professional riders will often attend clinics, or travel to ride with specific trainers who they want to learn from. They will take an occasional lesson, or spend a weekend at a clinic, instead of regular weekly lessons. 


​Level 1 The Essentials – 30 Days Training

After softening the horse for 30 Days Horse = 24 rides = 24+ hours of work; in general, at the completion Level 1 the horse is not safe to be ridden by a BEGINER RIDER without supervision BUT can be safely ridden by an INTERMEDIATE OR EXPERIENCED rider capable of continuing the horses training and development.  First two weeks or longer depending on the horse and trainer during Foundation of Ground Training our goals are; Gaining confidence, Respect, Control, and Earning Leadership:


Please note horse training begins with  a training evaluation as to what the horse knows, who it is, what it offers willingly, what it needs in order to develop horse specific Foundation of ground training plans and implementation strategies [how we communicate with the horse we are training]!  Only then can we join or minds to the horses mind by mimicking the ground exercises during the Foundation of Mounted training:

Educating, taming and calming horses involve; building trust, confidence, establishing a routine, and providing environmental enrichment. To achieve this, we must be a reliable presence, Be confident and steady, Give clear instructions, use horse specific training plans in the correct sequence, reward the smallest try, not skip any steps, be patient and Avoid constraining the horse. The following are simply examples and NOT horse specific training plans:

  • ​​Calming and Taming exercises are extremely important that include - Desensitizing and Sensitizing wo

  • Lunging for Respect

  • Teaching the Go Button

  • Neck reining

  • Cues for Walk, trot, lope that includes speed control

  • Lateral and Vertical Flexion

  • Yield hindquarters and forequarters

  • Saddling and bridling

  • Feet work, possibly shod


By the end of the 1st month:

  • ​Standing calmly for Mounting and dismounting from ground/mounting block

  • Stop and backup with softness

  • Cues for Walk, trot and lope on a loose rein

  • Standing calmly on a loose rein

  • Lateral and Vertical Flexion

  • One rein stops

  • Teaching Steering using two reins

  • Guiding and turning on a bend in large circles

  • Lateral bends and following its head around in circles

  • Figure 8’s

  • Gentle mild spirals in and out​


Level 2 Intermediate 60 days Training

After working the horse Emotionally, Mentally & Physically by moving its feet to get to its Brain- 60 Day Horse = 48 rides = 48+ hours of work. In general, at the completion of this level the horse is suitable for an intermediate or advanced rider for recreation or to train for a specific discipline. Beginner riders would also be able to use the horse to learn on with an experienced coach/trainer.  Continue improvement and mastering of the maneuvers worked on in the first 30 days. Add the following:

  • Review Calming and Taming exercises

  • Neck reining improved

  • Turn on the forehand - Must yield hindquarters on the ground

  • Controlling the Hind end – on a circle pushing the hind over & maintaining forward motion \

  • Walking, Trotting and Loping Circles on a bend

  • Neck reining

  • Speed Control – Straight lines & in circles teaching the horse to use its brain; mentally & physically

  • Leg Yield

  • Turn On Haunches – Must disengage forequarters on the ground

  • Spiral Circles – Start of the spin

  • Side Pass – Must side pass on the ground

  • Rollbacks – along the fence

  • Ties well

  • Trailering 

  • Riding in hills

  • Crossing creeks and bridges

  • Riding on trails


Level 3 Advanced 90 Days Training

Refining the 90 Day Horse= 72 rides = 72+ hours of work.  At the completion of this level the horse is suitable for anyone from beginner to advanced looking to enjoy a well trained to compete in a discipline or pleasure riding setting. ​Continued improvement and mastering of the maneuvers worked on in the 30-60 days adding the following: 

  • ​​Turn Around

  • Lead departure/lead change - Side Passing is a Prerequisite to Lead Changes

  • Shoulder In

  • Shoulder Out

  • Haunches in

  • Half Pass

  • Spin

  • Simple Lead departure

  • Lead change at the walk and trot




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